We are beginning to prune the three back-yard apple trees. Here are Benji and Goldie with the first of the new crop. When we gave sticks to all bunns the other wet, soggy, stay-inside day, all we heard for many minutes was "crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch ...!"
Also the other day, BL says "I think there is something wrong with the shop-vac." - I'll say! That hay and fur (and poopsies hiding) all comes from daily vacuuming of the three inside homes for Goldie and Benji, Zoey, and The Boyz, along with the floor of their room. That is about two months worth. Fortunately we can buy and store hay by the bale for a good price. It all goes to the compost pile along with used litter. (You ought to see the worms at work in that compost pile.)

That is a most impressive collection in the shop vac! We have been talking about planting an apple tree just for the buns.
I don't know how bunnies do it, but the amount of fur, hay and poop seems endless!
Bunnies are very efficient recyclers!
(I agree with bunnygirl.)
Sounds like a happy bunny household. For some reason, Mr. Mick turns his nose up at nommy apple tree twigs--or any kind of wood for that matter. I'm not sure of it has anything to do with his teeth or if he's just a seriously picky bunneh.
Benji and Goldie certainly seem very intent on their apple sticks there!
Nothing like an apple twig toothbrush!
Apple Branches! Nom!!
I insist on emptying the shop vac every time I use it. otpherwise stuff always seems to get stuck.
Looks just like my shop vac.
how nice that you have apple trees at your disposal. my 14 buns have much need for apple twigs but i actually have to buy them at the store. they come in 3-inch sections and get tossed out of the cage quite often. lucky buns.
That looks just like our shop vac!!
The shopvac thing is hilarious but rabbit stuff (bedding, litter, droppings, etc.) does make the best compost. I have zillions of worms in my garden. Our rabbits love the apple tree cuttings too! They also like elm whippets, sunflower stalks, and the occasional pine tree needle too. I've started a blog called Rabbitry Remarks, if you want to hop by sometime.
shop vac pic illustrates why I had to rehome my bunnehs! after moving into my little studio the hay killed my asthma until I literally could not breathe. As bunnygirl said, the hay etc is endless! Fidget & Einstein moved late last summer and I STILL find hay every once in a while!
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