I have learned how reading about nature and spending more time outside with natural things will give me materials and subjects for writing. I will pay better attention, keep notes, and take more pictures. There is non-fiction and fiction writing, and I have practiced both of them. I seem to do better with fiction writing, but I need to get better at non-fiction because that is what I want to do more of. We read some interesting examples and then wrote some of our own. I may share them someday; some seem quite good, thank you.
I also might share some of the poetry I wrote - or maybe not. While I learned a good deal about poetry, and read many fine examples of nature and environmental poetry, I still need much help and practice. I have two new books with many examples and I will continue to practice. I did write a few poems, but poetry is a lot more than just rhyme and I still don’t “get it” much.
Now we are studying blogs and investigating what our own blog might be like. I used our blog about you all as an example; we have had plenty of practice and some modest success. Perhaps I will branch out and build a blog more about Nature and the Environment too. That will be a broader audience and I will need to learn and use techniques for acquiring new followers and keeping their attention. I will be using it to educate, that is my mission.
We are also studying how to be published. This is a big subject and I have much thinking to do there, it is a daunting task and there are many ways to be published besides as a best-selling author. I need a “plan” and that is my current assignment so I better hop to and get to work on that! It’s a bit of a mystery to me right now.
You may now resume your normal chewing, thumping, pooping and general disapproving. Thank you for your attention. - RG
"Are you kidding me RG? WE should care about this? Come back when you have a symphony and you BETTER BRING TREATS" - THE Princess

I have to get back to class, I seem to have fallen into a bog......
Oh, that Princess; ever so hard to please.
When it comes to writing, bunnehs are never all that impressed--unless it's about them...because it's always about them, y'know. :)
Keep up the good work, RG--we humans are still proud of you!
(By the way, where is this "hot tub" of which you spoke? If I had one of those, I'd be far more willing to put up with the snow. :) )
Sounds like exciting stuff you're working on! But yes, The Buns will only approve if it yields more veggies and treats. The rest of us, though, are much less fickle and would love to read your stuff :)
Thanks for writing about the course! I find bunnies appreciate writing more if you whisper your stories or poems into their ears while feeding them treats
Does Princess need a bigger bathroom? And, some privacy maybe???? Poor girl! I had to get big ol' 2 x 3 plastic containers for my big butt bunnies! Ha!
I look forward to reading what you decide to share. Art is in the eye of the beholder so dont be afraid to share the poetry either!
The Princess might not be impressed, but I am!
We're happy you are enjoying your class and your writing. Deb's been working on a book and hasn't had much time for our blog lately, so we understand about this crazy thing called writing and how much there is to learn. Good for you! Keep at it! (Regardless of what the Bunns have to say about it!)
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