One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
Monday, January 17, 2011
... score some good-time snuggles!
Some of the many relatives (one of BL's daughters and kids - Daddy is off flight testing the Boeing 787) spent the Holiday. A pretty good game of CLUE too. The smiling dark-haired young man on the right (next to the vacant rattan-seat chair normally occupied by his erstwhile partner, moi) won the game! It is hard when you have 6 players - each player gets only 3 or 4 cards each. We were fortunate; we had a person, a place, and a weapon! This family has a complex scheme for keeping track of things, but it works and one of them can win before I even know a single clue sometimes!
Am a jealous that they got to have snuggle time?? YEP!! However, I did get a most wonderful autographed photo of one Zoey bunny with a jingle tree. I shall treasure it always. Of course one Zoey bunny in the mail would have been much more of a treasure! hint, hint, hint! Zoey wants to live with Auntie Shell! ;) xx, shell
Oh, I want to hang out with you guys and pet a bunny!
Well Glenna, you'll probably wind up with whipped cream shot up your nose then and a lesson in pig-latin too ...
Lucky kids and happy bunnies! I would have loved to be a fly on the wall during that Clue game, bet it was all kinds of fun.
snuggle buns, so sweet....
I would LOVE to hold a bunny without wondering how long until I get bit! You guys really have quite a large family. That's great!
what a wonderful family picture
Am a jealous that they got to have snuggle time?? YEP!! However, I did get a most wonderful autographed photo of one Zoey bunny with a jingle tree. I shall treasure it always. Of course one Zoey bunny in the mail would have been much more of a treasure! hint, hint, hint! Zoey wants to live with Auntie Shell! ;)
xx, shell
If you are looking for pets we the bunnies are the best. Just don't forget to make our rabbit hutches extra spacious for our climbing needs.
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