... at least 'till about Spring." - Lucky

My camera is a Canon Power Shot S2 IS, 5.0 megapixels, 12x optical zoom from 2006 that cost me about $350. It uses the SD memory card, mine is 128 megabytes. I went to get a bigger memory card - maybe 2 gigabytes. Costco doesn't sell them. Only the SDhc card (a pair of 8 gigabytes for $27.95) ... I'm way out of date they tell me.
Now you get the Canon PowerShot SX30 IS 14.0 megapixels, 35x optical zoom for the same price and it uses the 8 gigabyte SDhc memory card. The guy told me even then I would still be out of date in 6 months. I went to BestBuy and got a single $12.00 2 gigabyte SD card and to heck with it. Who wants to take a picture so big you could print one to cover your bedroom ceiling!
When I started a job actually being paid to be a computer programmer the boss told us that computer memory cost $1 per byte so be efficient because there wasn't much of it, which is why, among other things, we never coded the 19 in the date fields and thus caused the non-event called the Year 2000 fiasco!
I've always heard that for blogging and uploading purposes, you don't want more than 8-10 megapixels anyway. Plus it runs the battery out faster. My little point and shoot, which is the best camera for closeups on the needlework was about $350 that same year (mine's a Nikon Coolpix)--2006. Still works, so I'm not getting anything else. What I'd REALLY like is a nice little point and shoot Leica--but at $700 or so, it can wait a long time. When I get camera things, I order used stuff from B&H Photo in NY. Everything electronic I have is out of date, but it all works, and you could go nuts or broke keeping up. When I go back to commuting though, I would like an ipad to read the newspaper on though.
One should never bother a bunny when he's enjoying a good snuggle; they've killed men for less. ;)
As for cameras, my son gave me a Sony Powershot 12.1 megapixel camera for Mother's Day a couple of years ago. It's a wonderful camera, takes great pictures, but I always have to resize the pics with Paint Shop Pro so that it doesn't take forever to upload them. I could change the settings so that the pictures come out smaller, but some quality always seems to be lost when that happens, so I just keep resizing.
Lucky is cute regardless of the technology used.
How funny, I used to have the same camera! Last summer I changed to a smaller point and shoot so ut would be easier to take places, its a great camera though, hang on to it.
simply adorable!!! I would love to plant a kiss on those cute cheeks;)
Oh Lucky, so fluffy and cuddly!
I got a camera for Christmas, after my last one totally stopped working (I'd had it repaired but it broke again really quickly and repairs cost more than the camera was worth, it was old, by today's standards, I hate built in obsolesence) I set my photo size to around 8 megapixels i think...
Why is it that I always feel like the kid left behind on the playground when it comes to technology? Geeez!!
xx, shell
Interesting stuff! I have the Nikon Coolpix too, but I usualyl just use my phone becuase for some reason my camera almost always takes blurry pics. it's on the motion sensor setting, it just doesn't care. so anyway, that's why my blog is constant crappy photo quality.
you made me get all nostalgic about my curent cameria, canon powershot s410, 4 megapix, and it writes to a COMPACT FLASH card.
oh boy it's time to go shopping. maybe they'll have a group rate.
I am pretty sure your camera is one I have (but rarely use since it uses those darn cylindrical batteries vs. plug into the wall recharging -- I use rechargables but am just too lazy to take them out and charge them). ha ha. It is a good camera!
Wow that is high tech camera you have... My rabbits hate camera and they really hide from it so most of their photos are in the rabbits hutches napping... that way they can not hide or notice the camera.
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