- and Winston's ears.
There (way below) is Racer's "doppelganger" from Daily Bunny the other day! Now right below here - this is the REAL Racer, in his condo, sitting in his favorite spot. He has just finished his breakfast which is a slice of banana on a little square of bread. For some reason, he takes a tiny nibble of the bread and then stands it on edge like a domino. Pretty clever.
Am I cute?

Am I cute?

Both of them are so cute! I can't stand it! I am sure Racer had a good reason for balancing his bread. I would love to know what he was thinking!
Oh Racer, you are just too cute!!
I take it the banana slice goes first, and then the bread follows, but more slowly? Maybe it would be nice for him to have a body double in the house!
I saw that pic on DB and said "Wow, that looks like Racer!"
He (or she--wouldn't it be funny if this bun was a female?) is 99.9% as cute as Racer--because you can't get any cuter than Racer. :)
If it's a girl, Racer needs a date!!! Wouldn't they be so cute snuggling each other!!!!???
Ok, I'm partial to Racer; I think the reasons are obvious.
Also, Racer, please let me know how you balanced your bread like that. I want to learn.
The little doppelganger is called Amelia, it does sound like a girl.
Ummm..I pick Racer for sure!
xx, shell
Oh, but little Amelia is such a darling! I know we all know and love Racer so much it hurts sometimes, but I don't want anybun to come in second! I still think Amelia and Racer would make a good couple! I am always bun-match-making! :)
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