Same bunns - new camera angle.
As you sharp eyed viewers are well aware, these have been old pictures of Goldie and Benji, from before they got a new box some time ago. Just cleaning out the files. By the way, the previous post clearly displayed our local 'GPS' locationing technology ... the Goldie Positioning System!

And - if anyone cares - the true GPS coordinates for The House of Rabbits are N48.503341 and W122.424424. Maybe Google Earth has a picture of our place!
Oooh, I will have to check that out--I love Google Earth.
WV: unbing--when you don't want something searched. :)
oooo I gotta remember to look at up later when I have access to google earth!
Goldie's feet = not enough Goldie
Archival gold!
So, Benji could get out if he wanted to ... that adds complexity to the riddle of the positioning ... Both are strategically placed ... Hhhmm.. And, AbigailEmily ... you won't even give the hoomins a hint? ... I guess we don't NEED to know, huh?
Well, bunnies are compassionate, we don't want to tell you anything that might hurt you, ya know?
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