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.... they can plant carrots in the yellow, kale in the white, lettuce in the blue, and chard in the pink. The light blue will be for treat-trees! (Oh crap - I forgot to put the battery back in RG.)" - Winston
"SOooooo sleepyyyyyyyy .. zzzzzz" - RG
Try this again:
Good plans Winnie. Horticulture is a bunny's forte and you only need to put the batteries back if you and the other buns desire something.
Sir Winston is a dedicated horticulturist. Make sure you put fresh batteries in RG now; you can't have him shut down mid-feeding or something.
oh Winston will you come and plan our garden too?
Sounds like a wonderful plan, especially those treat trees:D If you get the rechargable batteries for RG you can just keep changing them out and save $$$$...just a tip;)
Maybe you should use another power source and have the batteries as a back up. Wind, solar, methane, water all spring to mind. Where are the edible flowers going?
Methane is a great idea, especially since it is a renewable resource. Also, what kind of treat trees are you thinking of planting?
Yes, FabFurs, solar panels on RG! Good idea! But Winnie still needs a remote control to shut him off when he wants to...
Two Winnie pics already this week ... I can't handle it...
Winston's definitely got it right!
If these plans go through, Mario would like to come and visit :)
RG runs on 9 volts; that's great, Winster.
Too funny!
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