a hay-grower stimulus, treat-security for the aged, decent living quarters for all, plenty of greens, nose rubs covered by Bunni-Care, an end to butt cleanings and other nuisance treatments, re-education for hoomins, and whatever else we need and want! That is what I, Benji stand for. Vote for MEEEEE instead of this empty, invisible shell of a candidate on the other brick. You won't be sorry ....." - Benji
"I suspect I will be." - RG

You got my vote, Benji!
how can anyone not vote for such an adorable bunny?
You have my vote! I love all you stand for;)
I'll vote for you Benji!
Benji should rock the vote at the convention with his bun-centric platform! The question is, who will be his running mate?
Benji for President!
Of course I will vote for you Benji.
Benji's toesies should cause him to win by a landslide!
Hear Hear! Got my vote!
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