.... let's gamble! Whose deal is it?" - Kitty Boy
"Poor Lucky. One stinking vote out of 40. How to ever make it up to him? Pat Paulson he isn't." - RG

(Of course, as of this post, there are still about 35 minutes to VOTE FOR LUCKY!)
One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
I voted other...Kitty Boy should be VP that way we have the rabbit and the kitty issues fairly represented.
But my Millie Mouse wants to know if she can be Speaker.
We like Lucky too much to see him enter the political arena. Now, poker holds more possibilities--shuffle up and deal!
and why only one vote for Savannah?
Kitty Boy has the right idea...
Yeh... it broke my heart to see ANY bun without a bunch of votes. It doesn't mean we like them less ... we just don't see them with political potential. What does that say for our politicians when the candidate whose platform is "dances with the devil a bit" wins, hands down. And, the lover and snuggler and smart motherly types ... basically the clear thinkers ... are not chosen? Hhhhmmm... Bunnies should be leading the life of luxury, not worrying about the hoomin political arena!
Well now I feel bad and need to change my vote for Savannah! But 6Buns is right. politics suck.
I feel bad, too. See what you've done, RG. Poor Savannah. She's old, she's sweet, loves to be petted ... and there she is, the only bun with one vote. Now I feel sad.
No bad feelings folks. Some bunns should just not be in politics - their strengths lie elsewhere!
Besides - they don't give a root-a-toot. Just keep them teated!
Elvira would have voted KB, but it only let us vote once, but Elvira will settle for some poker.
Aw, I voted for KB to get the kitty and bunny votes, but now I feel sorry for Savannah. Geez, elections!
Deal 'em, somebunny!
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