... I see the Seahawks need help. If they call, I can be ScatBack!!!" - Racer
"You'll be the first to know, liddle-boy." - RG

(Oh, by the way, I removed some inactive blogs and added some new ones to the blog list off to the right. I also inverse sorted it so you bottom guys get top billing for awhile. I especially call your attention to the blog about Henry the Turtle. Rabbits deserve a Turtle! Give Henry a look see!)
Hello Charlie ahem I mean Racer. Went to visit the Turtle blog. Liked it very much.
Forget the Seahawks, Racer--come out here and you can be on the Patriots team! They're in need of some intrepid defense, and you're as intrepid as they get!
Thanks for the link to the Turtle blog, very cute!
As is Racer of course, impressive that he can read the paper upside down.
Racer! I think we all agree the Cowboys need you the most! Hahahaha! Come to Dallas! I have an extra bedroom with no exposed wires! I am also impressed with Racer's reading skills and his restraint. He didn't eat or pee on the newspaper!
I love Henry! I saved two turtles this last weekend on the trip back and forth to our farm in Oklahoma. I got them off the highway and relocated them near the closest body of water. We named them both Richard.
Hi! Going to look in on the turtle blog.
Going to need BL's advice in the coming months. I'll be visiting the Cape while dad transitions to being a single guy, and it gets a little boring sitting around looking at each other, so I've decided to try fishing. I've never fished before (in spite of growing up a couple of blocks from the water), so I'm going to start with a rod and reel and I'll drop the line over a bridge into a tidal thingy that has flounder in it (at least I've seen other people catch them there). I will post pictures and BL can comment on my technique (or lack thereof). I did study a youtube video on cleaning the suckers after I get them. (Oh, and I'm buying the license, so there's a start.) I'll probably start shortly after Christmas, which is when my contract job ends.
Woot! Thanks for the top billing! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Nico, Tokki, Piper, and Ziggy
I finally got around to looking at the blog stats today and noticed "HouseofRabbits" as a referring site, then noticed the blog on the list, thanks for putting us up there!
What a pathetic football team we have. I'm not liking the coach at all, but you can't blame it all on him, entire team sucks. Between my housefull and yours we can start our own team...
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