@Lisa - those 2 there, they are basically in shock since they have only ever been close through 2 layers of stout fence. And we did not leave them long on that cushion!
If you have Goldie, Benji, Lucky, Winnie, and Racer, you have to also have The Princess, Savannah, Chico, and Zoey!!!! You can't leave that cuteness out! Or you could split them up into two sets of buns and have a double shot of cuteness!
Evildoers beware! Your days are numbered, for the intrepid Inspector Racer and the resolute Sir Winston have joined forces.
(Just hand over the keys to the treat stash, RG--you don't stand a chance)
Nope, not one chance! I can see those two riding up on trusty horses with six shooters at the ready! They look like a Sheriff and Deputy to me! :)
Double duty disapprovin'...
Nobody stands a chance against those two,
The BIBs (Bunns-in-Black) are on the case!
Bun's in Black...too funny!
Yes, Buns In Black is the best! That's Winniepoopoo and Racer! :)
5-some - Goldie, Benji, Lucky, Winnie, Racer! OMG I don't think the world could handle that much cute!!!
I can't beleive how polite all of your bunnies are, to sit so nicely in such close proximity to "other" buns.
What? No nipping, no peeing in each other's faces? Something's not right!
@Lisa - those 2 there, they are basically in shock since they have only ever been close through 2 layers of stout fence. And we did not leave them long on that cushion!
If you have Goldie, Benji, Lucky, Winnie, and Racer, you have to also have The Princess, Savannah, Chico, and Zoey!!!! You can't leave that cuteness out! Or you could split them up into two sets of buns and have a double shot of cuteness!
What is going on with all the odd pairings? Sure makes for some great pics!
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