.... look at my hand-made wreath for the season! Fresh greens from our sustainable trees, and I re-purposed a shiny ball and some ribbon! Isn't it just grand? Huh? - RG the Proud
"You tell him Winnie le' Pooh. OK Clucker Boy, I'll channel Dick Clark from the old American Bandstand - RG will get that. Here goes: Well it has a bad stink (beat) and you can't eat (dance to) it. Better luck next time."

Hey RG! I love it! You did a fab job, and it's all stuff we had around here. The Boyz march to a different drummer when it comes to "taste" of non-edible things. It's a guy thing.
But I love it, and that's what counts! BL
Plus Happy Birthday tomorrow ... except egad ... you're getting old! Good thing you married a much younger woman.
Silly Boyz, you're just jealous that you didn't get to nibble on those lovely greens.
Nice work, RG--and Happy Birthday!
You done good RG, dont let the boys get you down. Always a critic. Hope you have a fantabulous birthday!
Don't listen to the bunnies on that one, it looks wonderful!
Happy Birthday, RG!
Great Job and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I'm glad BL approves! Boyz, one of these days, RG is going to have enough of you two ... then what???? (you can come live with me! i love for bunny abuse!)
I think it looks great RG and Happy Birthday! Bunns can be a bit harsh at times in their opinions, lol! perhaps you could make one for them adorned with treats and see if they like it;)
Happy birthday! Does this mean you get a day off litter box duties??? Ha ha x
Boyz! Boyz! RG did a great job! Oh, but don't tell him--you know how he gets with compliments.
(I'm a day behind--my days and nights have gotten all mixed up and I don' even know what day it is.)
Good job RG! Can you make us one too?
Yeah, I'll take two!
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