... a bit more of the House of Rabbits holiday decorations - with nice things from that so-talented Aunt Shell from last year!
"Say RG - don't you need a bunny in those decorations???? Or some EDIBLE decorations in my place here????" - Savannah
"Tomorrow. Tomorrow, I promise deary." - He says, making a note.
('Ems Jolly Ranchers!)

('Ems Jolly Ranchers!)

I always thought they were Jolyy Rangers. Who knew? I am really floored. Thanks for the close up, RG. Now share!
No, wait...It was Jolly Rogers. I thought they were Jolly Rogers. I will quit now.
Very nice. Get something for Savannah please!
yup, as suspected Jolly Ranchers are jerky made from elves
Hubby loves Jolly Ranchers, although I have to keep reminding him that if he keeps crunching them instead of letting them dissolve in his mouth, he won't have any teeth left.
Miss Savannah and all The Bunns should be getting some Christmas cheer in their bowls pretty darn soon, RG, or you're going to have a holiday mutiny on your hands!
Everyone put on their "RG Did It" t-shirts (or DIDN'T in this case.)
Isn't Savannah's expression priceless? Ah the communication ability of bunnies. If people could even be half as good.
Savannah definitely needs some treats...
Jolly ranchers are great just can't get enough of them
All pics are great! Have to say I'm partial to that soft bunny, though! Wish I could snuggle Savannah!
Yep, RG, you better be forkin' it over for the buns!!
Lovely decorations, if I haven't gotten around to saying so previously.
Savannah you are just too funny with that look on your face!
I consider myself a Jolly Rancher. hee,hee,hee.
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