.... Zoey has never been interested in going in the box, but Chico spends hours in there. Peeked over the edge this evening ... Zoey? Zoey? ... Well, wadda ya know?" - RG the ecstatic "KB! KB! - Come see!"

"Why?" - KB the aloof

(By the way, my bad - sorry. The wonderful framed dragon yesterday is from The QiPapers and the ultra-talented Diana Moll and you better scoot over there and get yourself one, toot sweet. Please?)
That's great!! Always a good sign!
Gotta love KB's attitude!
Excellent congrats! You will notice I did not comment on the previous post in regards to the fridge. I am no dummy.
Canoodling bunnies! hahaha
Yay for cohabitation!
Now stop being a Peeping RG and let the bunnymooners have some privacy!
@Jade: Squeeeeeee--"bunnymooners." Cute, cute, cute.
The Fridge. Well, BL's looks like mine. Yours, like mine should look, but the cats get on top of the fridge, reach down and mess with the magnets and everything else.
sweet bunnymooners, adorable!
Bun-tastic :O)
It's their honeymoon, RG! Privacy please!
Bunnits... go ahead blame the cat! Everybody else does! hahaha
I see you solved the corner bathroom issue. I am stopping by the store to get yet another litter box ... seems as soon as I get a corner "covered" the bunns move their litterbox business to another corner.
@sisBunnies - yes,we have just kept adding and moving litter boxes and I think we still have one more "trouble" spot, but we all in all are quite pleased. Chico especially has always been a messy little guy!!
Thanks goodness for Target!
I keep thinking they'd rather have more space to hop around in their living areas than a bunch of litter boxes lining the walls, but what do I know ... I'm just a bun slave...
Zoey finally found a box that met her high standards and a Prince came with it!
They are snugglebunnies!!! But not exhibitionists. That's all. :)
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