while visiting the coastal town of Bow, I had the most fantastic beef fillet at RHODODENDRON CAFE. I still rave about it to my friends." (first letter to the editor in BL's June 2012 issue!)
"They can have it - I'm in for Oats at the PRINCESS'S CORNER BOWL!"

(Bow is our town - although it is just a huge rural zip code and a 4-corners-cross-road with a dinky Post Office on one corner, the Rhododendron on another and a derelict pizza stand on the third. (The 4th is an empty field.)
Love that white tush tail on The Princess!!
You need to take over the derelict pizza stand and make lettuce-and-parslsey pizzas!
Or better yet, Glenna, take over the empty field and make it a Bunny haven!!! Parsley, carrots, kale, cilantro, dandelions.... the options are limitless!!!!!!! Bunny buffet! :)
You folks sure do have a lot of big ideas for a guy already worn to a frazzle by these bunns ... ps .. see Mickey on DR today? Sweet!
I love towns like that! The smaller, the better. Unfortunately, those little jewels of rural heaven do not provide jobs, so while Oklahoma boasts many stops signs on a blacktop, I am stuck in icky sticky dirty filthy Oklahoma City. I HATE OKC!
Can I come and live with your bunnies, RG? I could be like their butler and their bouncer. You can visit them, but by appointment only. And if you get too lippy, I can toss you out on your butt. I think they would like that.
GO THUNDER! (We sent you our BBall team. Now you want the rabbits ...)
You sent us a basketball team and the thuggery that comes with it too. Did you hear that after the game the other day several people were shot downtown? Sheesh. I wanted a football team. You should see Clay Bennetts Tuscan villa. I swear it has gun turrets.
Definately want your bunnies, though, pthtttt
I want to move!
A bunn like The Princess has no interest in the preferences of hoomins, regardless of the sphere being discussed. I must say she has a lovely set up there at HoR. She is such a lovely bunny. I will probably regret getting into the human fray, but . . .there was a time when Adrian Peterson, while explaining why he would never consider UT, would regularly say crummy things about the University of Texas and the coaching staff. The reply in Austin was that's okay, Adrian, you have to live in Norman, Oklahoma.
HEY HEY HEY Anonymous!!!! I said I hated OKC, not Norman....LOL
My parents live in Norman. It is a very nice, clean town. Lots of cops.
Beat the rush! Hate Texas NOW. BOOMER SOONER!!!
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