This bush has big, dark purple, very fragrant flowers! It was here when we moved in. We rooted several shoots from it and now have several other bushes doing as well!

These are the ones we planted outside the bedroom window so BL could have them to see and smell! They are doing fine too! 

I <3 the scent of lilac and very much miss the bush I had at my last house!
Scout used to nibble on the lilac leaves that came in through the window (I rarely close windows from spring to fall) .. Sage wouldn't touch them. (Probably too bitter for her liking. Scout was a strange rabbit.)
I have never gotten to be near a real lilac tree. They are so lovely. I know I must have smelled lilac in some scented product, but I just can't remember now. Congratulations on such beautiful plants and thank you for the pictures. I am getting to be a lot less parochial! LA, I guess RG can call his kitty cat weird. It is his web site, but it is considered impolite to call bunnies strange. As the bunny book says, "Every bunny deserves to be loved for the bunny he or she is."
Scout was my heart bunny.
I'm not going to post her whole story here - I've posted it on my blog a time or two .. but she ate meat (No, I didn't willingly give her any), was terrified of males, hated anything that could be confused for a baby bunny, and had countless health issues. She'd been a breeder bun kept in a metal crate in a backyard and fed garbage for years before she rescued me from a bunnyless existance.
So, yes, she was strange for a rabbit. And yes, I loved her from the tip of her twitchy nose to the tips of her hard to trim the squirmy little 2 pound fuzzball toes.
Please don't judge when your paradigm doesn't provide enough information.
You keep drinking that water, Racer--it's good for you! (Now if you could only get Mr. Mick to do the same, that would be awesome...)
The scent of lilacs is strong around here, too, both at our house and at my mom's--and it's really strong at my mom's, even though she's only got a few scattered around her yard. It's just lovely.
LA - I am so sorry to hear what your little Scout had to endure. Thank you for giving her a loving home and getting care for her health issues. I was just trying to be funny, but there is nothing funny here. A story like this makes me want to join racer under the water bottle and wash the human being off me.
Lilacs! They will grow at my Grandmother's house in Oklahoma, but below the Red River, they do not do well at all. I very much miss that smell, driving up the road to Grandma's house. Lovely!
Oh, Lorna! So sorry for your baby! I can't stomach the thought of what rabbits have to endure ... and how many are in miserable, agonizing situations right now... my brain and my stomach cannot handle it. All I know is that it's a good thing God is God and I'm not ... or there would be an awful lot of starved, abused hoomins in tiny cages in sunlight and rain with no shelter ... given lots of corrosive drugs and exposed to burning stuff ... and whatever...
Sorry M. Anon.. I was being oversensitive in my tired state so your humour went winging past me. (Probably got caught in a bunny's protest that their food bowl is empty.)
I'm perfectly okay with some of those beings in human form being locked in small rooms with plain food, water and enough room to pace for exercise.
And I apologize Mr Racer for ignoring you! (How dare I!) *Sneaks in some booberries)
I love the smell of lilac!
RG, did you see my last missives on Eric's page and on KB's. Okay, I will now stop stalking you.
Looooooooove the smell of lilacs.
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