... it won't be there. Dang, there was still a little good chew left in that other one and we were just getting it the way we liked it." - Chico and Zoey in Denial

"Oh fellers - give it a try. BL looked all over for it." - RG the Coaxer
One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
They will break that in quickly! I wish Mario liked to chew on cardboard.
No room for sentimentality at HOR. From mowers to bunny boxes it is out with the old and in with the new.
I bet it smells of oranges. Rabbits are awfully fond of their ratty old chewed up boxes.
oh Zoey and Chico are so adorable, they deserve the best in cardboard boxes
Look at them! You killin' me wif doooose eeeears!
lots of chew time for you guys a head,xx Speedy
Silly bunnehs! You will have that all chewed to perfection soon enough.
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