"Hey. The lights just flickered - twice. The wind is howling. Rain is spattering. I'm going in. Wake me when it is over, or salad is delivered - which ever comes first!" - Priority Winnie

"Right (and smart) you are Poopsy. I heard some branches crack and fall. It is really blowing. I found my flashlight and one for BL. Duck and cover!" - RG the Wussss
Its not much better here Snow in the north and wet and windy in the south,we have the wet and the windy...yuk
we've had wild weather here too the past couple of days. Hope it blows over soon
The saying goes (and I am SURE I have said it here at least once) that in Oklahoma, if one does not like the weather, then wait five minutes.
How does that song go...hmm...something about wind sweeping down the plains and red-tailed hawks (usually buzzards) doing lazy circles in the sky...
Oklahoma! OK!
Come Hell or high water, you best to get Winnie and Co. their victuals! Power outages and downed tree limbs are no excuse for missing suppertime.
I also like the saying "If the Good Lord is willin' and the creeks don't rise..." which is a 98% probability in Oklahoma, where the wind comes HOWLING down the plains, along with hail and stinging rain and the occasional tornado or two or twenty.
We sure talk about the weather a lot on HOR. The older I get, the more I talk about it!
Yep, brandi, in Oklahoma, we used to either climb up on the roof or bring out the lawn chairs and watch the storms! Tornados were reason for neighbors to get together! Ha! I feel a bit guilty though because we've had 70s and sunshine here. It's warm today but a little drizzly. My bunnies are getting really tired of being in the sunroom ... can't wait to able to get outside and run in the grass! Soon! There is a very small window when it is warm enough and dry enough AND NOT 110 degress ... that's their outside time!!
We've had crazy wind and rain here, too. Batten down those hatches, buns!
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