... Let me out and I'll spill the beans on Hoffa. It was a bunny-job you know. You will scoop the world." - Desperate Winston

"(Oh poor, poor Winnie-poops. He is in there for 5 minutes, max., while BL cleans his abode - it rained a lot so no outside time. Now it is a Federal Case. But still ...) OK Winnie. Promise? No backing out if I open the door?" - RG the Shrewd
Now RG don't take advantage of poor Winnie a bunny will say anything when confined in a cage just to get out but that doesn't make it true...Don't say any more Winston ,Speedy and the rest of your legal team are on their way this will get cleared up in no time!xx Rachel the legal team PA for Bunnies
And yet, scooping the world is sort of the job description or so it sometimes seems. Winne, I don't know why RG hates you, but I would be careful. It is obviously deep seated.
Poor Winnie, it might only be for 5 minutes, but he doesn't know that until you let him out, it could be forever as far as he's concerned
I believe that statements elicited using torture can't be used anyway. Say what you want Winnie - they can't use it against you xx
POOR WINNIE! I almost had a stroke when I saw that little prison cell! UGH!
Look at his face, look at those eyes. Poor baby is terrified.
Ladies, let us stuff RG into a cage and poke him with a stick!
He looks terrified, absolutely mortified! Winnie abuse!
Don't worry... I know what drama queen Winnie can be ... I know he's pretty well cared for... :) But, we have to play along!
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