One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Goldie spends a certain amount of time each day digging away at that white vinyl in her condo. She can't even scratch it, but she sure can dig and dig! Maybe someday we will put her out in a fenced-in dirt pile for awhile! Goldie is an American Fuzzy Lop, and the only longish haired bunn we have. Her coat has been doing quite nicely now for some time. She is a real snuggler and would sit on a lap and purr away for a long time. We usually get about 10 -15 minutes a day, just before the evening oats!
The mats are always greener on the other side of the tile!
It's so cute how she's fuzzy everywhere, except on her head!
Hmm, tile digging, good exercise, keeps the bunn in practice and makes, I imagine, plenty of noise. It's all good.
Wao! We wish Sammy was such a snuggler! Lucky Bun-folk!
Goldie looks fantastic, her coat looks so full and wonderful :-)
you get oats ebery day?? you is LUCKY!
A snuggly long haired, now there's a bunny after my own heart! So Zoe is only long haired round the head then?
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