But looks can be deceiving! Chico is the easy going type, happy, and a big lover with BL. Maybe he just did not like the pillow!
Some how the first blogiversary of the House of Rabbits slipped by - having too much fun I suppose? The very first comment we got (other than from family) was from Yoga Gal. Have not heard from her since, but that blog is still around!
Happy 1st Blogiversary!!!!! How will the Bunns be celebrating?? Extra treats?? Maybe some tequila??? :D
happy bunniversary and chico is a cool looking dude!
i'll break out the tequila!
Happy Blogiversary! Time for Chico and his pals to party down!
Happy Blogiversary! That Chico looks like one of my bunnies actually..
Happy Blogversary!
Chico (as i think I've said before) looks very like one of the regular guest bunnies who stay at Gorgie Farm. He's adorable.
Yes how are the bunns going to celebrate?
Happy Blogversary! Break out the carrot cake!
Happy 1st Blogiversary! Sweet Chico looks maybe a tad rumpled is all. Since must be part lionhead (?) I'm surprised by the easy-going, happy part. Elvis is intense, inclined toward crankiness, madly in love with his rabbit friends, but not usually snuggly with us.
Woot! Hoppy blodiversary, Guy!!!
Chico actually looks a bit like Harpo wiffs that funky, reddish mophead, but what do I know? Anyway, he's real sweet!
Yup, happy bunnoblogoversary. I keep thinking he looks like Cary Grant, but I'm not sure why......
Congrats on 1 year!! I think the bunns deserve extra bananas and craisins to celebrate!
Happy 1st year of bunnyblogging!!! Isn't it funny how time flies by?
I recommend to give extra treats to the bunnies, and oats! And apples!!
Chico is lovely...he is probably disapproving of the camera!
Happy 1st Blogiversary! Doesn't seem like a whole year, but time does fly when you're having fun!
Chico reminds me of Cheech Marin!
Maybe this is an insult, but with his hair on end like that, I think Chico looks like Cosmo Kramer!
I think i said it before but Chico reminds me of an old president with the big sideburns...and as a gift for your one year blogaverisary a free drink at the bunny lounge!
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