Chico says to take a break .... Rabbits' Guy is "Leaving, on a jet plane .." ... for Michigan to visit some family and have a surprise party for Dear Old Dad who will be 90 soon. Be back next Wednesday which will be December 3 already! Yikes ... Bunny Lady will do fine here at the "House Of ..." but is not going to blog. So .. enjoy Chico :<)
This is the Dear Old Dad who flew out here about a year ago with a girl friend, rented a car, and proceeded to drive 2500 miles all over the West and stay here and there for a month! I have a feeling I'll be going back for more parties too! Besides that he is Democrat so plans to really enjoy the next 8 years!
Dad and Goldie hit it off real well ......

You tell Dear Old Dad I think he's hot. 90--and has a girlfriend and travels around--wow. We'll overlook the Democrat part.
Dad sounds like my grandma- she's a world traveller. She is, however, much younger ;) Good for him!
I love that picture of him with Goldie :) My dad's not too keen on the bunnies...
That's great that your dad is in such fine health at 90. I hope to one day be able to say the same of my father.
Enjoy your time visiting him. Why don't you queue up a few future bunny pic posts before you leave?
Dear Old Dad sounds like a really fun guy! Goldie has fallen for his charms already, huh? How's Benji taking it ;)
Have a great time in Michigan, RG!
Happy Birthday to your Dad! great photos!
We'll miss you but hope your dad has a great 90th birthday!
Cool - Happy Birthday to Dad and have a wonderful trip!
Happy Birthday to your dad!! Have a good and safe trip. Mario got his nails clipped today. I cannot imagine doing it to as many rabbits as the two of you have!
Ok, take a break, we'll try to carry on without you, RG. Have a great time !!!!
Have fun with your Dad! We had a great time with our family this weekend. Enjoy your time away! Bunny slaving will be waiting for you when you get home:)
Wow! Hoppy Burfdaze Dad!
So awsome! I wanna see pics when you get back, OK?
Welcome back, RG! Did you and Dad have a fine time?
And yes, I'm picturing the rabbits stringing cranberries too: (Pink:) "one for the string, two for me. One for the string, one for me. Oops--rolled under the dresser, better go get it. No, wait--Elvis' pile of cranberries is bigger than mine! I'd better eat some of his!" Except, I'm not sure they'd like them!
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