You know Racer lives right where he can see all the coming and going.
We had some fun company the past few days and so there was even extra comings and goings!
I think (I KNOW!) there were some extra goodies for good old Racer Guy!
Now he has perfected this trick!!!!
It is very pretty out in our yard and garden now ... I think I'll include some scenes for a few posts ... here is a "wall" of nasturtiums ... all volunteered from last year and all highly prized by the furry tenants of The House of Rabbits! Some go in salads every night! A nice mix of blossom colors and shades.

Every time I see that white nose I want to give it a great big kiss!
Lucky bunnies to get fresh greens in their salads! I need to start my indoor lettuce project. It's too hot to grow anything outdoors here.
oh Racer, what a cute little nose! You can smell those nasturtiums can't you?
There's no saying No to that face and nose! Hand him those nasturtiums quick!
He is acting as gatekeeper, greeter, and bun security; surely he is entitled to a gratuity, and you do have all those tasty nasturtiums nearby. . . "Yum!" say the buns.
Lucky Racer, while Hef enjoys his private room I think he would like to be in the living room or the dining room to be more in on the action but I don't see Hef's dad giving into that one anytime soon.
Racer knows, I mean, Racer's nose knows all the latest news. Is he first in line for treats? All buns here LOVE,LOVE, LOVE those Nasturtiums.
Racer! Thats what I do allllll the time when I want noserubs. Mom says it must make my nose feel good or something. She is going to try to get a pic of it, too. I will do what I can to prevent that, of course.
Racer knows how to melt hearts - and get treats :) All buns have this trick down to a tee :)
Here, there's some pumpkin seeds :)
Love the garden - nasturtium is snobbed in this household, both prefer dandelion flowers!
I see bunny whispering "psst, hey you if you let me out, I'll buy you a salad" Lol That is an awesome picture.
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