Here is a block of ice wrapped in a damp towel with a fan blowing the cool air at Chico. That works well - although the house does not get cooler - 86 in here today. Block of ice lasts about 8 hrs!

Here is Racer sitting on the "frozen" stone tile. He did not stay there long. Neither did any one else!

Another "swamp cooler" blowing cool air at the 3 cages where the pairs live. You see Benji back there. We closed the windows and all the bunns just layed low - put them outside finally about 8 pm and they'll stay out until 11pm. House does not cool down - this 4 day hot spell is total unusual for here .. summer evenings in the Pac. NW are always sweatshirt or sweater times!

Poor bunnies. I'm glad the ice and fans are helping a little.
I had to laugh about the frozen tile. I guess no one likes a frozen bum!
poor bunnies, I hope your weather cools down soon....
You are doing an excellent job in providing the buns with cooler air. Just like us, when it gets hot they do not move much...just ask Miss Eve and Neville what it was like here! Luckily we only had one week of hot weather here, back in June - now we're back on rain and temperatures around 18°C which is more springlike...
Your garden is looking beautiful, all those flowers!!!
Sure hope you get rid of the heat soon! Your hollyhocks are gorgeous!!
You guys can come over to my house - we have A/C! It's the best!
And you can sit in front of dad's floor fan like Betsy does and then tip it over... again and again... and drive dad nuts. It'll be great fun!
I feel your pain, RG. I live on Vancouver Island and it's hot here too. We aren't getting the cool breezes off the ocean to cool us down at night like we usually get. However, I must say my flowers seem to be enjoying it, as are the hummingbirds that come to visit them. Hang in there, cooler temps are supposed to arrive in a few days.
Too bad you run a soaker hose through the Bunns cages to help with the heat.....We are sorry they are suffering and feel really spoiled here with our Marine Layer and all......
It certainly takes ingenuity to cope with an unexpected heat wave. Hopefully the buns will be able to come out of hibernation soon.
What about ice cubes? I gave Hef ice cubes once when he hurt his paw and in case it would help. Instead he dug through the towel and licked and munched on them.
That's a good idea! It's hot here too. It got up to 90 yesterday, only about 85 today though.
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