But ... I expect that all will settle down now ... it is even going to get cool with our famous "layer of marine air" which means low, gray, chilly clouds. Most Pac. NW'rs are used to it and actually look forward to it a bit in the summer .. summer here is usually very dry and warmish.
That's a fine pair of bunny loaves you've got!
You're welcome to send any unwanted cool air down here. We're still having unseasonably hot days, although they're at least predicting 50% chance of rain for tomorrow. I've got my fingers crossed!
We have Marine layer too....Mark Twain said the coldest wInter he ever spent was a summer in San Francisco. OK so we aren't in SF, but we are pretty close. Yes, some fine Bunns, stars they are with stripes on 'em.
word verification is "yaphog", guess I'll shut it for now.
Happy 4th, a little belatedly :) Fireworks usually send my bunnies scurrying lightning fast into their cardboard houses. How brave of the Bunns to withstand several hours of fireworks!
Happy 4th! Our buns did not enjoy the fireworks either. Too loud for sensitive ears, but we all survived!
Hef seemed fine with the fireworks, but if Shadow the Dog went outside she was shaking like a leaf in the breeze. Then last night Hef made such a thump in his room we all ran to see what was the matter, of course us humans couldn't figure it out.
In this corner of the pacific north-wet, I'd kill for some coolness in the summer..
Sage didn't even wake up from her nap as the fireworks went off. Scout sometimes would snuggle under my chin for comfort, but that was only when she noticed they were going off.
Fourth of July was actually quieter this year; fewer individuals set off fireworks in the neighborhood. There were displays on Friday and Saturday nights at the fairgrounds across the river, but since the noise was somewhat muted by the air conditioner, it didn't elicit any thumping.
What cuties! Luckly we didn't have any fireworks too close.
I came across your blog from one of your comments on the disapproving rabbits blog. Love all your rabbits and stories, enjoyed!
They definitely look like they're chillaxin' and enjoying the cooler (and quieter) air!
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