...My name is Winston" ... tra la la .... "My eyes are not blue" ... tra la la .....
It is Winston with his head right over a little whiter spot on the deck floor
to make his nose look white!
Want Garlic? Here is this year's crop - just harvested today. About 40 bulbs I guess.

I'll hang it up to dry for a month or so and then braid about 8 to a clump.
Lasts about 2/3 of a year!

BL Jr. Jr. helped me do the stone work several years ago!
Winston is masquerading! Cadbury was doing a bit of that this weekend, too, and it's the theme of our Monday, Bunday.
That's very cool you braid the garlic. It's kind of like the ristras of peppers in New Mexico. Quite a few crops can be dried and stored that way, now that I think about it.
what a clever photo of Winston....
WE GOT A CUCUMBER!!! AND A TOMATO! They are teeny tiny and not impressive like yours but we got them!
That spot does look like Winston's nose. Pretty cool.
Garlic - YUM! (That's from Deb, not Freckles!)
What a beautiful garden walk. Great job. I know a garden down here that needs lots of help!
Furry Furry Pretty!!
What an awesome garden! Winston is a handsome guy and I don't know the tune :(
That garden is so beautiful! I love garlic so yes, throw me some! :P Is it easy to grow?
Great yard, house and view. I always love to visit.
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