It's past half-past August ... the summer season is winding down ... time to chill out here ... so says Chico. Therefore he has locked me in my double-wire pen.
And, it's a doozy. In front there is a bit of a Bald Cypress tree ... came from the Arbor-day Society several years ago in the mail! Just some teeny seedlings.
Three have lived, even though the Arbor Day folks clearly did not study our climate and tree suitability! They are like a feathery-needled Cedar, but the needles turn brown and all fall off in the winter and it looks like heck until the spring growth again!

Sorry about the tempting Oregon Coast pictures! Deb got sick and things got behind.
Chico is so cute, peeking around the corner like that!
What a life, to look out and see hops and hoppers.
Wow, I've never got seedlings in the mail before- that's pretty cool and the tree looks fabulous!
Nice tree. Chico is so cute too
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