That movie is all the rage at The House of Rabbits ...
Here is the famous "Boeuf Bourguignon" from the movie - a la BL!
a new level of cuisine into our life ...

SOB SOB SOB ......
They don't care about ME anymore =:<(
I'm leaving home.

One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
Aww.. Poor Princess..
You can come stay with me while your parents come to their senses.. but you would only get a salad a day and have a Princess of a Dutch to train..
oh poor Princess, she's being ignored...
We think RG & BL better get their priorities in order -- Bunns first, French cooking second.
Princess, they are not ignoring you. They are only pretending. Do not look sad. If you are not sad then they will feel insecure. They will want to strengthen the bond. They will spend more time with you. You win.
Oh, come on. Do the French have no recipes for veggies? Give Princess a break!
Julie, Julia and BL!
Poor Princess. Better grab some of that impatiens!
I'm coming to dinner! Yum!
I hope there aren't any rabbit recipes in that book. I think Princess might be right to hope on out of there. I was watching Hell's kitchen last night and they were serving rabbit so I spent the hour swearing at the tv and calling people rude names.
Yum. The buns at my house are eyeing those tasty peas and getting ideas. However, they do think Princess is right to be miffed at all the attention the food is getting, knowing that the rule is buns first, cooking second on the attention ladder.
The Princess would prefer to see dishes such as "Banana Blueberry Buckwheat Blini". You are a disappointment and she is leaving to star in her own Food Network show featuring bun cuisine.
Could be time to flash around "Peter Rabbit's Best Salads" and "Dessert Time With the White Rabbit" and of course, "Lagomorphs Raw Cuisine". Come back Princess.....
I'm reading the book right now! They I plan to go see the movie.
No, she does NOT plan to try Julia's Rabbit and Leek pie!
I haven't seen the movie, but it sounds fabulous - and that food looks very delicious!
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