Keep quiet now, Benji. They'll never know we are here and we will get to stay out all night!!!!
Listen, Bunns ... this isn't Father Flanigan ... no, it is Voldemort - and - there are a lot more like him wandering the woods and byways at night.
Voldemort and his little brother fleeced BL out of significant sugar last night!!! - but - they also hit several other houses too and scuttlebutt is they saved the Snickers for RG!!!

What treats were brought home for the bunnies? Don't tell me everyone forgot!
I hope the bunnies got their treats...
We had so many trick or treaters we ran out of candy! Ok and maybe I ate a few as well, next year more chocolate!
Ooh, Scary to think they may have forgotten the bunnies
Benji and Goldie wanted to see if the Great Pumpkin would appear.
Scary!!! :~O
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