Here is a funny story about this morning and the Princess that bunny folks will surely relate to.
I'm usually the first one up and so I make the Princess her breakfast - 24 little bits of whole-wheat bread topped with exactly an inch of banana cut into small bits also - on a sparkling glass platter. Always the same thing, the same way, and accepted with great enthusiasm.
About an hour later is when BL is usually up making breakfasts for the other nine rascals. Sometime during this effort she tosses another small piece of whole-wheat bread down to the Princess - her pen being right across, and below, the counter where the breakfast work happens. Then all is well.
This morning, after all the breakfasts, I decided to give the Princess some birthday pettin' before opening her little door to the outside. I got a yogurt drop for her as a little treat for putting up with my interruption of her normal daily routine. When I went to get her she was standing very wide-eyed and not looking too very pleased. But, feeble-brained as I am, I just scooped her up and sat down and got all comfy-cozy and gave her the treat. My god, I might as well have given her a pinch! She turned her nose up, turned around a few times, and would have absolutely nothing to do with that. She did like the attention though and so it was after a good 20 minutes that I went to put her back in the pen, figuring she would eat the treat then. As I reached to put her down I saw a nice chunk of whole-wheat bread sitting all by its lonesome on the kitchen counter. Lights flickered in my reptilian brain - "Did you not give this to the Princess yet?" ... "No, I thought you would when you picked her up." Ever see a rabbit snicker???
Happy Birthday Princess - I see I can still learn new tricks.
Poor RG still in training. Happy Birthday Princess, and may you have many more, as you can see there is still much work to be done in this realm......
Happy Birthday, Princess! Keep training those bipeds - they're a slow species, but they figure it out eventually.
Happy Birthday, Princess! Oh, and yes, we know all about rabbits and what happens when you interfere with their routines. There is "The Dread Glare O' Sulk" and "The Bunny Butt O'Snub" and Mickey uses both when he feels he has not received the respect he is due as "Lord of the House".
Happy Birthday Princess, good luck with moving your people on to the advanced course for bunny slaves...
A rabbit's routine is not to be messed with! HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear, sweet, beautiful miss Princess, sending lotsa love and ear scratchings your way!!!
SIGH... oh when will you humans learn!?
Happy Birthday Princess!!!!
It's my Mom's bday too. We will probably all spray pee at her so she knows we love her.
Not to nitpick but does it count as learning a new trick if you really just forgot it? just teasing!
Happy Birthday Princess!
Happy Birthday Princess, even after 8 years you are still keeping them guessing.
Happy Birthday Princess!
She is so cute. Happy Birthday!
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