One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Goldie and her brother Bluey several summers ago! BL went to "check out" this lady's place and came home with these guys - American Fuzzy Lops. Bluey had a congenital intestinal problem and lived well for a few years, but has been gone now for a couple - we still miss our Bluey!
The cup is on my computer desk, the stick-table is usually upside down in Savannah's pen, and the little chair is still around somewhere. They are pretty well chewed. Goldie has grown!
What an adorable picture. I'm sure they enjoyed those nasturtiums--I know they perk up my own salads! Sorry for the loss of Bluey, but I'm sure he had a happy life at the Houseful of Rabbits.
What a great photo. I love how the light captures them. Bluey may not have had a long life but he had a good life while he was at the House of Rabbits.
What a sweet picture! Poor Bluey, though. He got dealt a bad hand. At least he got to experience the Houseful of Rabbits!
That is such a fantastic pic!!
oh what a lovely photo! Two such adorable young bunnies! Goldie must miss Bluey...
What a lovely shot. Have just ordered new camera to encourage Humphrey into a spot of modelling...
They look like they were waiting to be served in a fancy bunn restaurant, poor Bluey, a short but spoiled life:)
How funny! Stores like Blueys always make me so thankful for all the days we share with our rabbit buddies.
Nasturtiums from your garden? What a lovely photo. They look like two well-behaved school children.
It was a once in a life-time photo. I think they pretty well trashed the place a bit after they ate the nasturtiums!!!
NO RG! They just - uh - REARRANGED it!
Awww! What a sweet picture!
What an adorable picture. I'm sure they enjoyed those nasturtiums--I know they perk up my own salads! Sorry for the loss of Bluey, but I'm sure he had a happy life at the Houseful of Rabbits.
What a great photo. I love how the light captures them. Bluey may not have had a long life but he had a good life while he was at the House of Rabbits.
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