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It IS a C.A.T. - THIS cat. THIS C.A.T. doesn't have a name - BL just lets it in during the evening to keep her company reading or movie-watching. BUT .....
THIS C.A.T. got in a fight and got bit on the foot. It got infected and an abscess. C.A.T. went to the V.E.T. today for fixing. Now C.A.T. might have to stay in the house for a day and a night. TRUBBLE for sure ... you can B.E.T. on it.And then ... one of my heroes - I Spy man Robert Culp died. This Secret Agent stuff is getting lonelier and lonelier. - But I shall stand tall and soldier on - Zoey, LIA Agent 0090 (or maybe I'll go shopping ...)
We don't understand why a rabbit can't keep BL company while watching a movie or reading. Explain please.....
It's okay, bunnies. Some cats are friendly!
es I agree with Diana, a bunny is good company while reading etc. I like cats too though
You be nice to that kitty kids. He has a hurt foot and he needs some friends too. All you bunnies can handle a kitty and make sure he behaves himself.
Oh, come on bunnies, have a heart. Cats and people too!
/Cats ARE people too, I mean :P
My word verification is crityrat which obviously rhymes with kittycat so keep the kittycat, we called our stray Kitty Minky before we had to give her away, I would go with that
Awww, poor kitty. Hopefully the buns will be nice. (Although, we're with D).
You know, we got my first cat as a kid by letting him through the back door because he was just a kitten and it was a hurricane outside and my parents felt bad. We had him for 12 years until he died :-x
Having both cats and rabbits in the same house, I know they can be taught to coexist, but I have never been comfortable leaving them unattended. Our Chase (cat) and Lillie (bun) enjoyed each other's company and I allowed them to play with supervision, but was hesitant to leave them alone unless some unfortunate mischief ensue and one or the other cause trouble.
Poor C.A.T. I hope he/she heals up quickly! I am sure the rabbits will put her/him in the proper place!
I thought CAT had a name....maybe BL didn't tell RG what it is. Oh I remember, but I won't tell.
My cats are scared of all the buns! Angie at Rabbit Haven said most are. So all Houseful of Rabbits will be ok.
Send C.A.T. to Santa Cruz. Rabbits4 and D. Moll have a R.A.T. they need help with.
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