One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
... a rabbit in this picture?
Here is a late addition: If you have been following the Bunny Blogs for awhile, I think you really want to go take a peek at Beginning To Bird ... hopefully you will understand what I mean!
gotta love those bunny picks when the buns some how disappear from the picture. sort of makes you wonder whether they were ever really there at all, or if they're a figment of our imagination...
Um, I'm going to have to say YES, there's a bunny ... but it's very blurry! Must be moving very quickly, hehe :D
A hint of a bunn.. yes, we do think she's there..
Hef is making me follow this other bunny blog since he immediatley saw they have a pink room too!
gotta love those bunny picks when the buns some how disappear from the picture. sort of makes you wonder whether they were ever really there at all, or if they're a figment of our imagination...
we just want you to THINK there is a bunny..... or do we.....
Wow, ghost bun!
Perhaps just THOUGHTS of a bun.
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