... with the authority vested in me by whom (or what) ever, I implore you to get out there and continue eating, pooping, biting ankles, banging empty dishes, chewing on baseboards, thumping, disapproving, and in general, making life miserable for the 2-footed Hoomans who deign to attempt to care for you." (whew)
"Thank you ... as you were" - Winston

(Oh gosh, good luck Oklahoma...)
He looks rather pensive.
Hello your rabbit ram is very beautiful it looks like he(it) think there's nothing like the love of animals!
Best regards of marylin France
Winston - the great orator
Oh what an adorable photo - I love the paws up on the bricks, so cute! He is obviously very deep in thought.
have you ever had a problem with them chewing cables? Jazz is giving me a HARD time now hey!!! She's making me grey by the hour lol!
Thanks for the declaration Winston or shall I say King Winston, Prime Minister Winston, or how about your Holiness?
We are safe in OK but some people did not come out as well. Lots of damage and some lives lost. Try herding 4 bunnies into carrier while carrying your handicapped bun around in your arms the whole time. Whew!
That was beautiful Winston. Just beautiful. Brought tears to my eyes.
@Christina: I've often wondered how I would get all six of mine from their sunroom to a more interior room the need arose. I am from Tulsa, but now live in the Dallas area. My family is safe, too, but we're keeping those in the paths in our prayers. You are an angel for caring for your bunnies!
Winston, you are just too much. I love the soft overflow of fur around your feet, there, Your Highness! I want to just pick you up and snuggle you!
I suppose we could think of that as Winston's judicial robe. Wouldn't you just love to have 10 bunnies on the jury and another for the judge???
Not today ... I ran out of bananas again this morning ... and apples. All I had to offer was ... more hay. AND, they had cabbage last night for their veggie plate, not their favorite! So, I would be sentenced to some horrible torture for sure! I had a hard time facing those fur faces this morning. I will be shopping before I go home today! Winston certainly does look like a judge in his robe! You are right! Very dignified. Hoomins fear - but RESPECT - his judgement!
And all of the bunnies nodded their heads in agreement...
I'm not showing this post to Hef
Dag this is just too darn funny!
Motivational bunspeak....
I, Humphrey, pledge allegiance to this and have affirmed my commitment with a special bout of bowl banging and some poops on the carpet.
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