As some of you know - BL marches to a slightly different drummer. Here is the catch in one of 4 big traps she and her crabbing friend set and pulled up yesterday. Almost all of them are "keepers" - males at least 6 1/4" across the back of the shell. These are Dungeness - as good as it gets. Since the limit is 5 per person per day, those two ladies did a lot of sorting! I myself am having a lot of good eating!!!

Just thought I'd mention that "marching to a different drummer" includes putting buns out on the deck and cleaning their condos and filling food and water bowls before I went out on the high seas to bring dinner home for RG. Also brought him TWO cream puffs. I'm just sayin'
I rest my case ...
Be glad, RG--not every man can say, "my wife gave me crabs" and be happy about it. ;)
(What? Some people are allergic to shellfish, y'know. Just sayin'...)
Oh, Jade, your mind moves very fast! Keep after RG to show the appropriate amount of appreciation for what he gets and how he gets it.
Maybe the other ladies will weigh in also ... and I'll end up with a bouquet of roses!
Everybody remember the cat she brought him ????
Let's see, we'll give Racer and the other buns some 'nanas and have them do the math for RG:
bun care + cats + crabs + cream puffs + RG care and feeding = priceless
RG must be forever in your debt since he can never repay you for the goods and service you provide.
(Good Luck with that)
RG, I hope you appreciate what a remarkable woman BL is! But do not reciprocate (as BF did one time early in our relationship) by washing and drying all my handwashables. Eeeek! I brought BF 6 cats; he owes me six times over.
Yum! 'Nanas for buns and crab for RG. I'm getting hungry. Might mosey over that way with my crew for a little snack.
I told BL that she and her friend looked like they could give the Deadliest Catch crew a run for their money.
I caught a caat for Hef's dad he got allergies, you got crab dinners, so I don't know what your complaining about!
mmmmmmmmmmmmm crab. I remember that.
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