Well ... it has to be a girl bunny because two guys in charge will screw things up the way they always do. The Princess has the wisdom of her years; ditto with Savannah; Goldie knows how to deal with Benji, but she can't see very well anymore; and Zoey is such a diva, it's hard to imagine her in the number two slot. I guess we'll have to see what the group thinks, RG.
I'm with BL--as my grandfather always said, "One boy = one brain, two boys = half a brain, three boys = no brain at all."
As for which lovely ladybun should get the job, I would have to go with Goldie--eyesight or no, she will keep Benji in line and that's the important part. Savannah would be my second choice. The Princess is out; she would never agree to a secondary role, especially since she's already the HBIC at the HoR. Zoey would never let Benji get more attention than her, so she's out as well.
Oh Thanks a LOT, BL. I'm planning a BIG weekend candidate debate and picnic and then a straw poll and you go pre-empt me with your "expert" opinions. How can Lucky or Racer or the other fellows get a fair shake now???
Besides - Goldie will already be First Bunny if Benji is elected so she might choose not to even run as Vice Bunny.
Oh ... sorry, RG. Well you could save it by letting one (or both) of the Boyz speak at the picnic. Now that DADT is officially off the books ... they can come out of their cardboard box and talk about a whole new, liberating program. I do feel they at least deserve a spot on the agenda. I mean ... just because Benji's the front-runner, anything could happen. Some bunny from Texas might pop out of nowhere for example. This thing is wide open, RG. Wide open.
Jade, your grandfather was very wise! Boys together are scary! I have a 14 year old boy ... alone I am not too afraid of him but when he has a whole football team around him, he is NUTS! They are stupid together... and stupid for no reason other than to be stupid!
I'm going to be controversial and suggest that Princess or Zoey could be the right choice, but then they'd be number one and Benji would be number 2, or would that cause chaos?
Well ... it has to be a girl bunny because two guys in charge will screw things up the way they always do. The Princess has the wisdom of her years; ditto with Savannah; Goldie knows how to deal with Benji, but she can't see very well anymore; and Zoey is such a diva, it's hard to imagine her in the number two slot. I guess we'll have to see what the group thinks, RG.
I'm with BL--as my grandfather always said, "One boy = one brain, two boys = half a brain, three boys = no brain at all."
As for which lovely ladybun should get the job, I would have to go with Goldie--eyesight or no, she will keep Benji in line and that's the important part. Savannah would be my second choice. The Princess is out; she would never agree to a secondary role, especially since she's already the HBIC at the HoR. Zoey would never let Benji get more attention than her, so she's out as well.
I second that Goldie should run with Benji, they are already such a cute couple!
Oh Thanks a LOT, BL. I'm planning a BIG weekend candidate debate and picnic and then a straw poll and you go pre-empt me with your "expert" opinions. How can Lucky or Racer or the other fellows get a fair shake now???
Besides - Goldie will already be First Bunny if Benji is elected so she might choose not to even run as Vice Bunny.
Oh ... sorry, RG. Well you could save it by letting one (or both) of the Boyz speak at the picnic. Now that DADT is officially off the books ... they can come out of their cardboard box and talk about a whole new, liberating program. I do feel they at least deserve a spot on the agenda. I mean ... just because Benji's the front-runner, anything could happen. Some bunny from Texas might pop out of nowhere for example. This thing is wide open, RG. Wide open.
Savannah!!!! But, wouldn't the world be a fun place if Benji and Winston ran it!!!!
Jade, your grandfather was very wise! Boys together are scary! I have a 14 year old boy ... alone I am not too afraid of him but when he has a whole football team around him, he is NUTS! They are stupid together... and stupid for no reason other than to be stupid!
Hef says he'll do it! He'll spike the carrot punch and then everyone will vote for them!
Wow - candidates coming in from beyond the House of Rabbits! Anybody else want to toss a carrot-hat in the ring???
Jade your grandfather totally rocked! Too funny!
xx, shell
The ticket will need geographic balance; a southern VP should be added--probably from a more urban area too.
OMG! Not Boogie!
I'm going to be controversial and suggest that Princess or Zoey could be the right choice, but then they'd be number one and Benji would be number 2, or would that cause chaos?
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