.... "Hit me Clucker, I'm all ears, so to speak." "Did you ever know a doopid 2-foot who put a "You-Bake" pizza in the oven and then turned it on "Clean"???" "EEeewww, is THAT what BL was hollering at RG about earlier?" "No. He turned the oven on OK but then instead of turning on the timer he turned on the micro-wave." "Well, he is a DUMB RG, but he is OUR RG."
"She saved me Boyz ... the pizza turned out good! And thanks for the vote of confidence."

Don't feel so bad, RG--one time while we were having a party, hubby put some chicken wings in the oven and hit what he thought was the "broil" button. Yep, it was the "auto-clean" button. Stove immediately locked up, and we had no clue how to turn it off as we had never used that feature before. We ended up unplugging the oven to get it to stop--and the wings came out perfectly done. Hubby now knows he is never to use the oven unless he is wearing his glasses.
Sounds pretty scary Boyz. Hope you are all okay and have been offered counselling. Life sure is funny. Who knew anything could go KABOOM except a hoomin exposed to too much bunny cuteness. Stay safe, my friends.
Yeah for BL saving the day! Yeah for pizza!! Yeah for bunnies!!
Well shoot, we all mess up from time to time. At least RG didnt put the pizza in the dishwasher.
RG, if those two are on your side, then you gotta be a good doopid two foot! Glad BL was there to save the pizza!
Your nobunny till a bunny loves you! And you have a bunch of bunnies who love you, so you must be a super somebunny, RG!
Well I'll let you know RG that my sister did the same thing once but she ran the microwave for 27 minutes instead of timing for 27 minutes and it ruined her microwave! Fortunately you have BL!
Don't feel bad, RG. I'm good at turning brown-and-serve rolls into charcoal briquettes!
Fortunately I have BL. Amen.
I sure do hope someday to meet Winnie and Lucky! That would be the coolest! Do they Skype, RG? Hahahahaha! ... maybe they do... I shouldn't laugh ...
At least the Pizza turned out good!!
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