... it's been a tough weekend and your notes and thoughts have been so helpful. We are very much appreciative." - RG and BL the sad but grateful.

"I'm just a weird cat but I miss my Lucky pal too." - KB the confused.
One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
Love and hugs to all of you.
My thoughts exactly Christina.
Yes, me, too! Hoping Winston warms up to a snuggle now and then!
Speedy and mum send lots of hug,snuggle and love to everyone Furry and human alike.xxxx
I'm so so sorry you lost Lucky. My favorite thought of him? How truly awesome and spectacular his bunny life was with you every single day. Except, of course, when you and BL were being stupid humans and doing annoying things like cleaning his house and putting him in jail for 5 whole minutes. Harumph.
Hugs and much love to everyone and everybun (and yes, you too, KB) at the HoR. You're all in thoughts and prayers.
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