"I take a crack at making my evening post and up pops a whole new posting format ... "If it ain't broke, improve it?" I hope this works." - RG the Mystified.

"Who gives a pussy-cat hoot?" - Kitty Boy the La-Z-Boy!
One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
Yeah, I think Blogger decided we needed a newfangled posting system. I noticed something was up when I went to approve some comments and got completely confoozed.
Lay-Z-Kitteh Boy, I hope you're keeping that seat warm for RG--he's gonna need it.
WV: oaddrat--as in, "Oaddrat, we've got a new posting system!"
Uh-oh, RG. There's a cat on your Lay-Z-Man chair.
not a lay-z-man chair its a cat-z chair now...heeheehee
I was annoyed by the Blogger changes, not something we really need!
I think Kitty Boy has claimed that chair now...
I had problems with it too, couldn't but my pics and writing where I wanted them, very annoying! Blogger is getting as bad as facebook with their changes no one wants *sigh* at least KB looks content:)
RG, we were playing a little game a while back, trying I come up with phrases to follow, if it ain't broken...All I can remember now is - if it isn't broken, it can't be ours, and if it isn't broken, it doesn't have enough parts.
Uh oh. I've been remiss in posting and unable to keep up with reading my blog list, so when I get around to it, I guess I have a surprise in store.
Not exactly thrilled with it myself. Kitty Boy knows how to relax!
Everytime I feel like I've learned something, everyone goes and changes it again. Makes my darn pea brain hurt!
Move over KB, auntie shell needs a nap!
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