"These two act like I feel - pretty well deflated after a week-and-some of a head and chest cold. All is well, BL has done a great job of the duties. I SHALL return!" - RG the Patient

"We're happy - good food, clean quarters, time outside each day. Take all the time you need RG, yeah, take a LOT!" - Benji and Goldie the Content
Feel better, RG! And hang in there, BL! Is there anything worse than a guy with a cold, moping around the house, blowing his nose and dropping kleenex everywhere?
I believe its called manflu but get well soon RG from Speedy's mum
Ah yes, the manflu--devastating, debilitating, depressing...for the wife, that is. ;)
Feel better soon, RG--and don't be passing that cold on to BL now!
Two lovely relaxed bunnies there!
Get well soon RG!
The weekend is here..feel better RG!
Oh, sunshine on the bunnies! What could be more restorative, RG? That should be cheery and comforting, if not an outright cure.
Sounds like you are a patient patient, RG. Hope you feel 100% soon.
RG, I sure hope you get well soon!
Goldie is the best deflator-bun ever!!!
Megan, I went to your site and read about the flea problem. I was very sorry to hear about it, but on a lighter note - do you know what a rabbit with fleas is called? Bugs Bunny! I am not sure you should blame the dog. After all, I did see a kitty in those pictures. You are welcome, KB.
Oh sweetness! I love to see bunny cuddles, manflu or not. *sigh* Makes me want to cuddle up, too. *shuffles off in search of blankie*
Bunnehs, be nice to your papa! :D
Hope Mr RG is feeling tons better today which is sunday now
Hope you're doing better RG. Being sick just totally sucks.
Happened to find this awesome blog and followed it!
I'm a new bunny blogger and would love it if you would take the time to go look at my blog.
Bunny Hugs,
Bunny Boy
Thanks so much for the comment! Would you mind following??
Haha bugs bunny! I am laughing but crying at the same time..my skin is all dotted up! I'm pretty sure my soul is itchy too LOL. I think i've got everything under control, and everyone has flea meds!
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