"Hey Fuzzy Tail - Scoot in here for your oats toot sweet. I am tired of coming out to chase you in. (please?)" - RG the Stern 

Once again, this summer, I am trying to photo and identify the different kinds of butterflies here. This is a Lorquin's Admiral - a really pretty butterfly!
A Princess shall not be rushed, although the magic word "oats" should be enough to do the trick. Works for Mr. Mick, anyway.
what a lovely butterfly!
And princess looks adorable as ever, what a sweet tail
The Princess and KB are incredibly benign for Royalty and for "Masters of All," but someday I expect they will have to deal with the recalcitrant drudge whose constant name calling ("fuzzy tail," really? "fuzzy tail!") is such an embarrassment to us all.
"La vie enchante du papillon, naitre avec les printemps, mourir avec les fleurs..."
That is from long ago, too long ago to be correct or for me to remember the poet, but it is all I have to offer for these beautiful pictures of butterflies. Perhaps the really enchanted life is to be had at HOR.
Princess is requesting her breakfast on the veranda, so hop to it, RG! She wants to enjoy the lovely butterflies!
and a very beautiful fuzzy tail it is as is the butterfly,xx Rachel
Cotton Tailed Princess
She wears no crown
But the grace of the HOR
Upon her is found
One day butterflies
Another day, snow
Or warm summer rain
That makes beauty grow
These are garments
Our Princess wears
Flowers and sunshine
And her cottontail fair.
And, she wants what Racer had!
Brandi, that is a lovely, lovely poem, but even in lyric beauty you have uncovered a dark truth. Uncovered, the bunns at HOR are always uncovered! No sombrero for Chico, no crown for The Princess. What is it about HOR? Thank you again for your beautiful poetry and top notch investigative reporting!
butterflies have nothing on bunnies, the cutest creatures in all of creation.
Butterflies and Bunnies seem to bring out the best! ...
A beautiful bunny and a beautiful butterfly. Smiles all around.
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