... The tide is out. Been no rain for 32 days. I'm high and dry and stuck in the mud. Somebody call the Coast Guard." - Racer the Desperate

"Ah Racer. You over-reactor you. BL will come get you, give you a cozy snuggle and treat, and put you in your warm condo with a big dollop of oats. Save the Coast Guard for a REAL emergency." - RG the Calm
"Trying my camera on "macro" - but I'm not sure I know enough yet. Here is a close up of an anemone - trolling for bees!!!!" - RG the Practicer
Well done, RG! Now, Racer, you should see where Speedy could raft, if he wanted to. He has this great river. I don't want to upset you (inadvertent poor choice of words) but your calling for the Coast Guard may be what has put him off adventures on rivers. I hope BL arrives before the Coast Guard, because the Coast Guard is going to need a lot of Stromboli.
Hehehe the river is on my list of adventures,So Racer are you going to get in your closet to join me on my new adventure?hehehehe,xx Speedy
Silly Racer--bunnehs don't need rivers, they need snuggles and treats and their cute noseies smooched. :)
I think they might want it all, Jade. I mean, it's just a feeling I've had lately.
What is that old saying? "If the Good Lord is willing and the creeks don't rise..."
And here Racer WANTS them cricks t'rise.
Well, I'm supposin' that if'n any critter's a'knowin' the will-o-God, it'd be a rabbit f'sure.
That is one LOVELY flower. It must smell amazing if it's trolling for bees.
Hi Racer, come to Scotland, it's raining here after a very dry spring and early summer! You can raft down the Water of Leith!
You can have some of our rain Racer. We have rain almost every day.
Great photo RG.
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