"Does it look like a treat Cheeks?" "No - Did you hear a Craisin bag?" "Nope - maybe it is salad time." "Maybe - we already had breakfast today - can't be that." "Oats - Maybe it is time to freshen the oats." "Shall we just keep waiting?" "Got a different plan?" "Ah - actually No." "Guess it is wait and watch then." "If I fall asleep and some action happens, wake me - OK?"

"Hey! Maybe it is something real nice like I just want to pick you up and give you a snuggle." "Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z"
No rabbit REALLY wants a snuggle from a human. Scratches and ear rubs, sure, but not snuggles.
Umm Speedy loves to snuggle,he's a cute snuggle bunny Brandi and I reckon these to are too given half a chance,Snuggles alround xx Rachel
Speedy is not a just a rabbit. Speedy is a pirate. Pirates like snuggles. And rum.
oh Zoe and Chico are so adorable together
I'd be picking them up for a snuggle too. :)
These two always make me smile.
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