... This outside litter box, and all the others out there, got completely dumped out and reloaded to get ready for the wet season. (This is a "before" picture.) All the loose hay piles on the deck pens got thrown out too, and small fresh piles were added under cover. Great confusion, consternation, nasty looks, and nosing about - after all, they had the past 5 months getting all that stuff just the way they liked it. Then - Blamo - the great cleaner from the sky came down and ruined everything. But now they are all used to it and happy, happy. (And, the compost pile got a great addition for the fall! - In the spring I stick a bunch of left over potato pieces in that pile and boy does it grow some dandies!) - Tidy RG

"You are a royal pain in the patootie RG - You know that." - Princess P.O.'d
bunnies don't like change do they?
They like their new place ... they just do not like to admit it! They have to be grumpy about cleaning! and Grooming ... and humans in general! :) We will be waiting for potato pictures RG! :)
hehehe cleaning chores always make them grumpy,xxRachel
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