" ... and the shock of seeing that horrible sight is what turned your coats entirely white? Oh dear, oh dear. I think I need a stiff drink. WAITER???" - Racer Enthralled

"One double Carrotini. - Coming right up! Oh - and whiskey for your friends." - Waiter RG
Yes, yes, Racer. It was just tewwwwible, tewwwwible!
Crikey,better have another carrotini Racer,xx Speedy
spooky bunny tales, be careful there, Racer
I have a bunch of those ghost bunnies, too.
Racer, the brave and intrepid mariner, scared of a ghost story? Better get some BL snuggles, Racer.
Make my whisky a double, there, RG Barkeep!!!
Hey, wait, these aren't ghosts of Christmases Past are they? Just remember everybody, it's not too late.
Oh my...Maybe they saw Medusa! (not sure if I spelled that right and too tired to look it up)
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