... I don't know what he did but I'm taking NO chances. I'm outa here. Every bunn for himself." - Chico the Fleet

"We USA'rs are getting ready. No bunns hurt in the celebrations." - RG the Calming
One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
Bunnies to your bunkers! A new way to cook a turkey! Or, as some of us say, next year's insurance company commercial. What's the matter with good old peanut butter?
CHICO BUTT!!!! Shake it, don't break it, Cheekers! (butt cheekers that is!)
I FINALLY got out of obligatory turkey day with family! No cooking, packing up, driving, unpacking food, eating, cleaning, repacking food, coming home, unpacking food again, putting it away....times freakin' two!
I told everyone that Mr. Bubbles is plum tuckered and we are staying home to let him have his four day weekend in quiet.
Since he only likes the smell of a turkey roasted, but does not like to eat it, and Josh won't eat it unless it is hot out of the oven, and Steven is DEATHLY allergic to turkey, I decided to cook a brisket with baby red potatoes and carrots, with a nice gravy, and just a simple banana pudding for dessert...
...at home with my boys and some sewing, a good book, maybe a movie or two, a nice nap and NO FUSS! Worldwithoutendamen!
Come to Scotland Chico and bring all the bunns! We don't have Thanksgiving here!
Brandi, Mr. Bubbles is a lucky man. I know you know that, and he does, too. Give the sons a big hug, and next year, for a relaxing Thanksgiving Day, don't broadcast banana pudding on bunny social media. I expect thousands of bunns will be carrying signs this Thursday, and that is just in your front yard.
Oh I have a great pudding for Banana that I picked up On holiday Flambe Banana really yummy any body want the recipe?Happy Thanks Giving and Enjoy the Turkey!if you're having any that is ,I'm baking my cake tomorrow!xx Rachel
Happy Thanksgiving to all your humans! Tonight we celebrate the first night of Hanuakkah-- this will be the first time since 1888 that both holidays fall at the same time. That means extra celebration for all the two legged and four legged friends!!! Thanksgivukkah! HOORAY
Banana Flambe?? YES, recipe!
Happy Hanukkah, Shaz!!! So, what are you going to be gettin' the bunnies?
You know how greedy they are!
Jane, my little piggies are quite enjoying the surplus of bananas I so thoughtfully purchased!! The whole kitchen smells like banana. Not to mention all the pumpkin they will nomming on this weekend!
That's the Brandi we all know and love! Rachel, there was just one little word I was instructed to check on - flambé? If that is indeed the word, everyone from the Fire Marshall to the field mice have sworn to have me tied up and a double watch set on me. I am not allowed. But, please keep us posted on the progress/preparation of the Christmas Cake. What a great tradition.
Oh, yes, and Happy Hanukkah! Let there be light!
I'm with you. I'll just eat the veggies with you.
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