As most of you know by now, Cadbury, a bunny in Houston, Texas, has been left at a VET for two weeks by his 2-foots while they go an a vacation! This is a despicable situation, according to the House of Rabbits rabbits - Baxter as spokesman - and so a discrete and elite team of bunny-jailbreak-experts have spirited Cadbury here to the House of Rabbits for a short stay!
Cadbury is having a great time, as are we!!!!! The photo shows Cadbury obviously having a good time!
Our idea is to shuffle good old Cad around, to other Bunny homes who would also like to have him for a short time. Knowing that Tyler and Sydney have always expressed a keen interest in Cadbury, he has tickets on the Amtrack Starlight Express and should be there in a day or so for his next visit. I guess we'll see where he goes after that!
"Follow the Bunn" fun!

"Follow the Bunn" fun!
Cadbury is more than welcome to visit for a day or two!
Cadbury is adorable, and how awful to be left at the vets of all places:( Hope he has alot of fun on his visits with nice bunny folks:)
Right on! Free Cadbury! WOO!
Oh, we want him next! When he's through visiting with the Spots, please get him a ticket on an airplane. Pink, Elvis and Peaches have big plans for Cadbury! Oh, better enroll him in a frequent flyer program--he's going to be doing lots of traveling these next two weeks!
We are excited to have Cadbury coming to visit! The Spots want to show him all around.
count us in - we are always hoppy to help, and CT is lovely this time of year
We are just a hop skip and a jump away from The Spots. Cadbury, come visit us in the fog!
Oh I know its a long way to the Uk, but can we have Cadbury for a while? He's adorable.
There are worse places for a bunny than at a vet's. Couldn't all the moving around and new people and bunnies be stressful on Cadbury?
We sure hope he hops over here after visiting the spots!
Uh-oh. I knew something was up when we got word Cadbury had escaped! You know I'm still on the hook for the $15/day, right? I hope wherever he goes next he at least has sunshine. We've had rain every day of the trip so far.
Looks like Cadbury has lots of places to visit! We're a little late to the party, but if Cad still has time to visit, Freckles and Deb would love to host him!
It's the Travelling Cadburys!
Great idea! Glad you guys busted him out!
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