Thursday, May 14, 2009


When we first moved here ... before any thought of Rabbits ... there was virtually no landscaping. Just a couple of trees and a couple of plants. BL wanted lilacs out her bedroom window .. to see and to smell. That's the window ... she's got them!" Can't eat 'em .. gimme dandelions anytime."
(Winston chowing in his secret outside hideout.)


Anonymous said...

Pretty flowers-adorable bunneh!

Anonymous said...

I love lilacs - when i was a little girl my grandmother had them, she had white ones too - you should show them to BL - they are really pretty too

d. moll, said...

Well done RG.

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Ah, bunnies. Always practical!

Lovely lilacs. Happy Spring!

Glenna said...

Oh, beautiful lilacs--I bet they smell heavenly.

I love seeing Winston's secret hangout.

YowlYY said...

We have only a huge jasmin bush, but also plenty of lavender as smellies. And yes, lots and lots of dandelions and tall green grass...all the rain of the last 3 days made it shoot up, I will need a machete to make my way through it soon...can I borrow Winston and the other 9 buns??

RG said...

Maybe we can crank up the 7-Bunny-7 and fly them over!!!

Katie said...

Those flowers are beautiful and I would imagine they smell wonderful too - and great to wake up to! My thumb is definitely NOT green - nothing grows in my garden except grass and a lone cactus!

Anonymous said...

Those are beautiful lilacs!