Monday, May 18, 2009


I think it was just a year ago when Archi Ann died. Archi was a special bunny and a Dutchie with a real attitude. She was the first bunny on the blogosphere I got to know well and we had a good time with Archi. You are gone from us Archi, but not forgotten.

In the meantime, Baxter and Zoey are in the "sun-zone" ............


nneeki said...

what a sweet little dutchie. and excellent muttonchops on zoey.

YowlYY said...

We do think of Archi Ann ever so often - she was the bun with attitude of the WWW, and we were a bit partial to her because we've been now slaves to two dutchies.

Lovely Buns in the sun - and I can see they've been rearranging the hay?

Anonymous said...

our mom wishes she was a bunnie and could stay in the sun all day -

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

I miss Archi Ann. It's funny how even the ones we only know from pictures capture our hearts.

It looks like Baxter and Zoey are finally enjoying some real spring weather. Lucky bunnies!

Anonymous said...

Such adorable little faces-I miss mine so much!

d. moll, said...

Gosh it almost seems like longer than a year, really so much has happened. I think I take page from B and Z's book and lay in the sun.....

Anonymous said...

We miss that snarky little Archi Ann.

Glenna said...

Dear little Archi Ann--we all miss her.

I love seeing the buns in the sun!

Crafty Green Poet said...

adorable photo of Baxter and Zoey....

Archi Ann is still missed here too...