Hot spit! Mr. Twister says I am really doing good and graduated me to the Lime Green 3# hand weights! Now I better start running again .... no more excuses.

Another late meeting last night .. actually Science Night at the local High School. What's with SO many more girls than boys into Science these days?
Green is good!
Congrats on your rapid improvement! Okay, I'm sure it doesn't seem rapid to you, but later on when you look back on it...
Wow, green. what's the next color? More girls than boys? I've noticed that girls seem way more together and have more energy and vision than boys of this age. I think boys are somewhat disenchanted through lack of current role models. It is hard for boys, like it used to be hard for girls. And I'm not the only one one to think this......
Yay! Green weights!
Look at her--so pretty!
Green is color healing!Go heal!!!
Greens are good and I'm sure all The Bunns would be happy to chew on that nice green rubber as well.
green is good indeed and I'd always say yes to a therapy bunny. Glad you're doing well
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